In the News
This year, the Green Bay Botanical Garden worked with our local farming hub partner, Seasonal Harvest LLC, to receive over 400 starter plants to provide to our growers and other food system partners to support prioritizing local produce.
In addition to the fresh, locally-sourced produce from Seasonal Harvest LLC, new to the drops was Halal meat (beef and pork) from SLO Farmers Co-op for some of the COMSA clients!
Olden Organics Farm, Full Circle Community Farm, Sullivan Family Farm, and Gourmet's Delight Mushrooms are where the local produce grew, and BelGioioso Cheese fresh mozzarella pearls add just the right finishing touches. We are also grateful for Seasonal Harvest LLC that connects us to these local growers.
What's cookin' today? Scratch made chili with fresh, local, and organic ground beef from Full Circle Community Farm was prepared in our newest piece of cooking equipment, the tilt skillet. Ruby red apples from Hillside Apples and a rainbow cornucopia of fresh veggies from Olden Organics Farm, Ledgeview Gardens, Adam's Heirlooms, DC Farm for Vets and Seasonal Harvest LLC make this meal extra meaningful.
Beet Sticks, Rutabaga Sticks, and Yam Sticks, OH MY! So many new and fresh vegetables (and fruits) are being offered in Elmbrook, thanks to Seasonal Harvest LLC!
We look forward to working with our educational partners at Ashwaubenon School District, School District of West De Pere, Unified School District of De Pere, Green Bay Schools, Howard-Suamico School District, Pulaski Community School District, Wrightstown Community School District, Oneida Nation School System and Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE), and our farming partner, Seasonal Harvest LLC.